Want Access to Peter's "Peak Performance"E -Book Collection?

Peter J Daniels
"Peak Performance" Collection
A collection of Peter J Daniels' best writings that will help you to bypass the pitfalls, losses, and aggravations that plagued Peter. You will quickly grasp the entrepreneur's mind of Peter and be able to apply these important business principles and biblically-based truths to your life and to your business.

Studied by hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and Christ-followers, this collection contains the most important concepts Peter teaches. But more importantly, it's what Peter, now 90 years young, lives by.
Here’s what you’ll get...
Quite simply, you will receive ten of Peter's most sought-after books.
Peter is a modern-day Solomon whose wisdom and benevolence are outlined in this library.
Peter's Thoughts
One of Peter's success tips is simply to think. This library unfolds what Peter thought about through the decades to make him the man he is.
Peter's Actions
Not just theory on paper, this library is full of tried and true steps and decisions Peter made to become the legend he is.
Peter's Life
Within the covers of these books are personal glimpses of Peter J Daniels. You will see in your mind's eye just who Peter is, how he thought, and how he lived.
Peter's Wisdom
Some have said that Peter is a modern-day Solomon. Peter himself might deny that, but the facts remain Peter's life mimics Solomon's wealth, influence, and love for others. The difference is that Peter followed the Holy Spirit's leading. Solomon did not have that advantage.
Rave Reviews on Peter's Books
Peter's words will strengthen churches worldwide.
“As his pastor at the Edwardstown Baptist Church for the last seven years, it has been my
delight to observe Peter Daniels’ strong and sincere support for his local church. The message
of this book has been lived out among us and within his own family. We have been
strengthened by Peter Daniels and my prayer is that local churches around the world will also
be strengthened by men who, like him, are ‘happy though rich’.”

Ian Dunn
Former Pastor (to Peter)
Edwardstown Baptist Church
The Awesome Power of Public Speaking is an honest "from the heart" lesson.
‘I have experienced the awesome power of Peter Daniels' public speaking. His book reflects an
honest, "from the heart" lesson. The message is truthful, sincere, and delivered with love.

Hu Kee Cheng
Peter Daniels helps you determine your personal mission in life
How to Create Your Own Dynamic Mission Statement That Works is for every person who wants to move out of a survival mode of living. Peter Daniels sets out, in a clear and precise manner, the practical steps to help you determine your personal mission in life and thereby bring focus, purpose, and energy into everything you

John Kenyan
CEO Omegatrend Pty Ltd.
Here's a Snapshot of Peter's "Peak Performance" Ebook Collection
Reading just 1 book will save you a decade of headaches!

Book 1: Willpower- The Integrity of the Soul
There is a higher law than objectivity, situation ethics, or reason; it is called conscience. Many of the great thinkers, philosophers, and writers throughout history have had much to say about it. Tennyson spoke about conscience and called it “a still small voice that spoke to me.” Saint Augustine said, “Conscience and reputation are two things; conscience is to yourself, reputation is to your neighbor.” Another great thinker called Victor Cousin said, “He who loses his conscience has nothing left worth keeping.” Is your God-given conscience dictating your movement through life, or are you adjusting your conscience to adapt to your weaknesses? In business, we would put it in different terms. We often ask the question, “Are you a wandering generality or a meaningful specific?” Your willpower harnessed to your character will make the difference

Book 2: How to Handle a Major Crisis
It usually starts with a phone call… ‘You don’t know me, but…’ and then the whole sad, sorry story spills out. The creditors are closing in… the business is on the skids… the money has run out… we have our backs to the wall. Sometimes the calls are emotional, often angry, but usually cries for help in a seemingly hopeless situation. Most of us encounter problems from time to time, and usually, we cope with them, or they disappear of their own accord, leaving us older and wiser. For example, the loss of a loved one is a crisis that often leaves a permanent scar. The same with a critical medical problems in our lives or the lives of those close to us. The purpose of this book is to help those with major financial crises. But I hope the principles presented here will provide help in other areas of life as well.

Book 3: Miss Phillips, You Were Wrong-
A Formula to Handle Rejection
One unforgettable day, I did try extremely hard and passed my work up to Miss Phillips with a certain amount of pride and satisfaction, expecting at the very least a comment of acceptance or maybe even an acknowledgement of good work before the whole class. But Miss Phillips thundered down between the desks toward me and slapped my face, stood me up, shook me and punched my back and then finally took the point of my chin between her forefinger and thumb and shook with all her strength, yelling, ‘Peter Daniels, you are a bad, bad boy and you are never going to amount to anything!’

Book 4: Global Survey into Multi-Level Marketing
When one hears the words Multi-level Marketing, Network Marketing, Direct Selling, Word of Mouth Marketing, Pyramid Scheme, Passive Income, Affiliate Marketing, Referral Marketing, ‘Home-based Business Franchising’, a Uni-level Plan, a Stair-step Breakaway Plan, Matrix, Binary, Hybrid plan, or Party Plan, in general terms they immediately identify with the same or similar activity, and to the uninitiated, it is all the same..., ‘it’s that pyramid scam thing again.

Book 5: How to be Motivated All the Time
At the end of our lives we are going to look back on our time spent on this planet with reflection, insight, and hindsight. Most of us will have some regrets, and we will see areas that we could have improved upon. But let us try. Let us be motivated to have a go. Let us give life our best shot by being honest with the breath that God has given us and respond to the opportunities and oppositions presented by accepting and demonstrating to others ‘How To Be Motivated All The Time.’

Book 6: How to Create Your Own Dynamic Mission Statement
This book can be for you a blueprint for success and priority living that will clarify your direction and make the journey of life more enjoyable. The following pages will guide you into a “take charge” lifestyle that puts you at the control levers of your life. For some, this may become unsettling because there is within that unforgiving framework a “no let out” clause for personal and corporate accountability.

Book 7: How to be Happy though Rich
We need to measure ourselves against the suffering and afflicted, realizing that against that situation, we are rich, and that is why all wealth is relative! Why God has allowed us to be born in this particular space of time is something that remains a mystery, but nevertheless, it is real and dynamic and full of personal obligation.
Wealth is relative, and our response in respect to the principle of God is that we share, not on the basis of what others who are better equipped, or lesser equipped, than ourselves are doing, but on the basis of how we are individually blessed compared to the intensity of the need.

Book 8: Christian Code of Conduct
Why haven’t our theologians and inspirational writers, and teachers provided us with a Christian Code of Conduct for daily living before now?, The simple answer is that it would be difficult for them to do so because they do not operate at that level! As a matter of fact, many of them rarely venture away from their protected academic positions. I believe it’s time for us to set our own Christian codes of conduct based on the Word of God that provide relevance, meaning, and measurements for all we do. I have found that my codes of conduct have provided me with the foundation for a sound and secure life, and recently I created a few more that were helpful to me and may be helpful to you, also.

Book 9: Living on the Edge- Autobiography of Peter J Daniels
I learned that: nothing is impossible; the best is yet to come; people see you as you are now but cannot visualize how far you can go, and you can, if you think you can! Nothing is achieved without looking at yourself in the mirror each morning and realizing that you and you alone are responsible for your future and that life is not chances but choices. God has never robotized the mind of man. Each one of these giants has confirmed again and again to me that faith in God and commitment to the biblical principles that Jesus taught will give balance and security for every challenge.

Book 10: The Power of Public Speaking
The safest way to deal with any public speaking opportunity is to combine integrity and intelligence with an attitude of gratitude to those who are prepared to open their minds and hearts to your thoughts. Those who wait for your words are fellow travelers in life and desire from you the warmth and friendship you would demonstrate toward a dear friend. In fact, your future friends will probably be drawn from such a group as this
About Peter J Daniels
Peter J Daniels
Peter J. Daniels came from a poor background and a broken home. He was a failure at school and suffered bankruptcy three times in business.
Today he is a millionaire land developer, one of Australia’s top motivational speakers — and a Christian. Learning the secrets of personal and permanent motivation has been an essential ingredient in his success.
As a motivational speaker lecturing internationally and throughout Australia on real estate, leadership, management, and goal setting, Mr. Daniels can command several thousand dollars an engagement for his services.
As a Christian, he is a campaigner for Christ. His lectures are spiced with Biblical principles for living. Currently on the Boards of Directors of many national and multinational companies, Mr.
Daniels believes success is the pursuit of excellence. Yet despite his success in the world of high finance, he says, ‘My faith in God is my whole life … nothing I am involved in can be divorced from Christian Belief.’
Peter J. Daniels came from a poor background and a broken home. He was a failure at school and suffered bankruptcy three times in business.
Today he is a millionaire land developer, one of Australia’s top motivational speakers — and a Christian. Learning the secrets of personal and permanent motivation has been an essential ingredient in his success.
As a motivational speaker lecturing internationally and throughout Australia on real estate, leadership, management, and goal setting, Mr. Daniels can command several thousand dollars an engagement for his services.
As a Christian, he is a campaigner for Christ. His lectures are spiced with Biblical principles for living. Currently on the Boards of Directors of many national and multinational companies, Mr.
Daniels believes success is the pursuit of excellence. Yet despite his success in the world of high finance, he says, ‘My faith in God is my whole life … nothing I am involved in can be divorced from Christian Belief.’

Here’s what people are saying about Peter's Books
Peter J Daniels offers healing for a raw nerve in all of us.
We all are in the process of becoming the person we dare to envision we can be. And we’ve all experienced the hurting memories of people who have deprecated our potential. Peter Daniels shares the secret of how to overcome those crippling memories, pull out all the stops, and become all that God intended us to be.

Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie
Harvest House Publishers
One of the greatest weaknesses in business professionals is the inability to speak before an audience
Peter Daniels offers some of the most simple, practical advice available today on public speaking. Peter practices what he preaches and is a living testimonial to what can be done.’

Rhods S. Mathisen
President, Mathisen Associates
We should put together our own Christian Code of Conduct
Dr. Daniels’ book is of immense value; it has been tried and proven. It is not an untested or untried theory. Therefore, it comes with the weight of authority and brings a blessing ready to be imparted to the reader. I have confidence in its validity as Dr. Daniels’ life bears witness to what he writes. He has “disciplined his mind and actions.” He has added action to his faith.

Pastor Bill Nott
Liberty Family Church
Don't Judge a Book by its Cover!
Perhaps the well-known phrase of not judging a book by its cover was coined when referring to the wisdom that is held between the covers of each book.
What is just one hour of Peter's time worth to you?
And even if you took copious notes, would you remember every word or phrase just like Peter stated in that one hour?
This collection of Peter's personal library represents a lifetime of learning and testing by Peter and a fulfillment of dreams for you.
Consider spending $1,000,000 for one hour of Peter's time. Did you know that's what he commanded when consulting with country leaders?
That could translate to a value of $100,000 for each book! But in this library, you get to study the words over and over again until you get a grasp of their meaning. Now, what is this library worth to you?
The contents written in these books are timeless, tried and true, biblically based standards by which to order your life and your business.
Pick one topic that has your interest. If you applied Peter's principle and lived it out, would it be worth just $97 or $100,000, or even $1,000,000 dollars to you?
And what about its effect on your loved ones, employees, or co-workers? Would that change not have a positive effect on them as well?
You see, you can share a book and give it back. But knowledge is only transferrable. Once you start living out the principles in these books, it can't help but change your life and the lives of those around you.
You've heard the quip, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So, how do you change the world? One biblically based, tested, tried, and true principle at a time. Get these principles today!
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