Unleash Extraordinary Success

An incredible Life Changing Experience Awaits you!
As You realize, there are No Limits to What You Can Achieve and Absolutely No Restrictions to How High You Can Propel Yourself, When You Unlock the Endless Potential Within You.
Here is a sneak Peak into the Destiny of the 3rd Millennium
As a personal tutorial, Destiny has no equal and has been applauded globally for its practicality and results in entrepreneurship, personal development, and leadership.
You will discover the principles of time management, economic security, goal setting, willpower, crisis management, directional thinking, how to lead, ideas that make money, motivational permanence, decision making, how to create a heritage, how to handle stress, how to create and control a board of directors, how to build a mission statement that works, how to discover your sense of destiny and much more.

Dr. Peter J. Daniels's Great Discovery
Destiny of the 3rd Millennium
In addition to all the above the Destiny Program will Reveal:

5.0 out of 5.0 stars
The Results from those that have studied this program speak for themselves!

I found my God-given Purpose!
God Bless, I found my God-given purpose, Dr. Peter J. Daniels!
"We purchased Destiny of the Third Millennium a few years ago... I Love the principles, and all that was taught are still as relevant despite the VUCA world we lived in. Many thanks, Dr. Peter J. Daniels, for guiding and creating our pathways!
We have established Solomon's Guild to inspire individuals and organizations to build robust and meaningful legacies!
Maria Ang
CEO/ Founder of Solomon's Guild

This is an Answer to Prayer
I believe the program came as an answer to prayer.... it wasn't until I received the program that I had an infusion of power when I discovered the idea of Vision...whatever I did from that day on was to fulfill the vision that I had which was to be the top of my field...things then fell into place....nothing was going to get in my way...
Claudio Gonzalez

I use Dr. Daniels's program in my Business and Family.
I first met Peter in 2004 at a destiny conference here in America, and I've applied his principles to both my family and my business.
Chuck Frusterio
Founder - Frusterio Design

Perfect Timing
The timing was perfect because I was this close to giving up on my dream and quitting selling forever when Peter Daniels shared with me his secrets for tapping into the creative imagination of the subconscious mind and unleashing a power that catapulted me from an absolute failure to the top sales producer of a Multibillion sales organization.
Whatever your dream is, Peter Daniels has invested his life in seeking out and identifying those principles that bring success to anyone who applies the specific formulas he presents to you in the Destiny Program.
Paul French

Dr. Daniels has made a significant impact on our life.
My husband and I have been studying.
Peter J. Daniels books and have been following him for many years. He has made a significant impact on our lives!
I've been building my organic skincare company from my kitchen to a full-scale eight-figure company for the last ten years. One year ago, we transitioned to a multi-multi-level marketing business model. I saw Peter speak seven years ago and was able to ask him a question, and his answer was, "you need to start a multi-level marketing company... and read my book." I purchased his book and took his advice.
Jamine Cross
CEO, foundHER

We created our mission and vision statement.
It has helped me become a goal setter and dreamer and operate with a sense of Destiny.
I first heard Peter J Daniels speak at a 3% Club conference around 20 -25 years ago. He helped lead me to Christ with seeds he planted at that conference. I began purchasing many of his materials and read many of his books. I also took a more significant step of faith and bought the Destiny of the 3rd Millennium program. I watched the videos, read the book, and immediately put some things into action. My business partners and I used the program to help create our original mission and vision statements.
Bryce Rale

Dear Friend,
I've collated what I had learned over the last 50 years and put it in a simple form that you can follow and enjoy within Destiny of the 3rd Millennium Online Course. I want you first to view the introduction video when you start the program, then move to the main course, which begins with some analytical self-reflecting questions that you may find a little confronting, so I suggest you use a pencil to fill in your response in your downloadable workbook, because as you work your way through the course, you may need to go back and adjust some of the earlier answers which might now, in contrast, reveal themselves to be somewhat contradictory. This process will help you resolve your lack of focus and inconsistent work habits and ultimately guide you towards your financial security. With the Destiny program, I teach you how to have dynamic goal setting and develop a lifetime of motivation. You'll discover techniques to handle a cash crunch successfully, and I will share my time menu and formula that will return to you with free time. You will learn the keys to franchising, decision making, and negotiation. On the business front, you'll be taught how to buy a business, operate a business, and then sell a business. I then show you how to become more decisive, more confident, and ultimately know where you are going and much more.
May the GOD that we both serve expand your life until your Destiny fulfilled.
Dr Peter J. Daniels
World Centre of Entrepreneurial Studies

You have questions. We have answers.
“The price of education is paid just once.
The price of ignorance is paid forever!”
"I have always been staggered at how people will spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars a year of frivolous purchases, but they won't spend money on their brains. These are often the same people who complain that they just can't get ahead in life."
Dr Peter J. Daniels
Dr Daniels has dedicated a full section of this programme on Time Management. The Destiny of the 3rd Millennium will show you How You Can Get More Done and Have Time Left Over while maintaining Motivation for Peak Performance and Self Realization
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